Not Just #Linux

Channel #linux is a hangout for lovers of operating systems and computers in general. From Linux to Windows, software to hardware, everything's welcome.


  • What's the topic?
    • Operating systems and computing in general. While Linux is a common subject, idle and serious chat and banter about Unix, Windows, or anything else is common and accepted.
  • Is the topic enforced?
    • Not typically, but it's the sort of discussion to expect, both to see and engage in.
  • Can I ask questions?
    • Sure, some guidelines on how to get helpful answers are available below. Chiefly, don't ask to ask, just ask.
  • I'm new, what operating system / linux distro should I use?
    • It's all up to you, either for you to discuss, debate, and compare opinions within the channel, or for you to explore for yourself. Every choice is a different compromise.

General Channel Guidelines

  • Remain civil, remember that behind every username sits a person. Debate, don't attack.
  • Don't derail conversations needlessly. Read the room.
  • Don't use the names for groups/types of people to be derogatory.

How to Get the Most Out of a Question

#linux is a place to chat as much as it is a place to discuss problems and get help. Questions are permitted and welcome, however weak questions create weak answers. There's a few things you can keep in mind to make it as likely as possible you'll find what you're looking for:

  • You don't need permission to ask a question. Just go ahead and ask.
  • #linux is not a search engine. If someone solved your problem with an easy search, you could have done it yourself.
  • Be specific and include details. As well, keep things concise. Ask questions, not essays.
  • Configs help, but if it's more than a couple of lines, use a paste tool such as pastebin.
  • Ask and then wait. Be patient, and give people a chance to see your message and reply.
  • Try to ask questions to point yourself in the right direction. The more you can learn yourself, the better.
  • #linux is not an authority. Respect people's advice, but understand it rather than blindly follow.

How to Give the Most when Answering a Question

Just as much as asking good questions is beneficial to the channel, knowing how to give helpful answers is also a benefit. Here's a few suggestions as to what to keep in mind when trying to help someone:

  • Nobody knows everything. Be kind to people who are new or are having trouble doing what might seem simple to you.
  • Your way isn't always the best. Just because you like what works for you, doesn't mean other people must do it your way too. Suggest, don't demand.
  • Try not to mislead people. As generous as it is to try and help, not being sure yourself may do more harm than good.
  • Help people to figure things out by themselves. Sometimes pointing people in the right direction is the best help you can give.
  • Be concise, yet detailed. It's as helpful for answers as it is for questions.