If you want to discuss a decision made by one of the ops, private message the op in question. If that person isn't available, you can message another op, but don't be surprised if the response is “you'll need to wait for so-and-so to come back.” We don't like to undermine each other.
If you have a problem with a specific op which you don't feel you can resolve directly with that person, private message another op about your concerns. We might be able to solve the problem or at least clarify the other side.
Most of the time, we confer before making major decisions for the channel. You should assume that anything you say in a private message with an op will be seen by the other ops. This has a couple of corollaries:
If you get on one op's case about something, we'll all take it into account when dealing with you in the future. This is especially true when you bug one op about removing another one's ban.
If one of us says no, don't turn around and ask someone else. It's obvious you're just looking for someone to say yes, and it's no more effective than bothering the same op over and over. The difference is that you annoy a lot more of us this way.
Conference notwithstanding, the ops are not automata. Two different ops will not necessarily make the same choices or have the same opinions. We do our best to be clear and consistent, but sometimes a judgment call has to be made.
The important thing in getting what you want is not to make sure we understand just how outraged, important, or even obsequious you are. Those things are irritating, and irritated people are less helpful. You stand a better chance of getting what you want when you stay calm and use courtesy. If you don't believe me, try it. It works in real life, too.