====== #UNO ======
Welcome to the homepage of #UNO on AfterNET!
If you already know the basic rules of the game, skip to [[channels:uno#playing_online|how to play online]].
===== Game Overview =====
==== The Deck ====
UNO is a card game played with a specially printed deck. The custom deck
consists of cards of 4 suits (colors): red, green, blue, and yellow. The
ranks in each suit are 0-9. There are 3 'honor' cards in each suit,
labelled 'skip', 'draw two', and 'reverse'. There are special black cards,
'wild' and 'wild draw four'. There are two copies of each regular and honor
card, except for the 0s, which only have one per suit. There are four
'wild' and 'wild draw four' cards each, producing a total of 108 cards.
==== Playing Your Hand ====
To start the game, seven cards are dealt to each player, and the top card
of the stock is exposed to start the discard pile. If the exposed card has
a special ability, it is treated as if the dealer played that card, and the
special effect occurs (i.e., skip, draw two, reverse, or wild). If the
exposed card is a wild draw four, however, it is returned to the deck and
the next card is exposed. At each turn, a player may play a card from their
hand that matches the suit or rank of the top exposed card, or play a wild
or wild draw four.
==== Drawing Cards ====
If a player has no legal card to play, that player draws
the top card of the stock, and may either play it or place it in their
hand. A player may choose to draw the top card of the stock even if they
have a legal play (known as reneging), but after having drawn the top card
of the stock only that card may be played that turn (a player may
intentionally do this when desperate to keep another player from going
out). After playing a single card or drawing, the next player clockwise
takes a turn, unless a reverse is in effect. If the stock is emptied, the
discard pile is shuffled and turned over to replenish the stock.
==== Winning the Game ====
The hand
ends when a player plays all their cards. When a player plays down to only
one card, that player is required to say 'uno'.
To play, pick a nickname, change the channel to #uno, and click Continue:
===== Playing Online =====
For the online version of UNO, the game starts when someone types !uno in
the channel. Players then have 30 seconds to join by typing 'jo'. Upon
joining, each player is sent their seven-card hand via notice. The dealer
exposes the top card, and play begins with the first person who joined. To
play a card, the player types 'pl CN' where C is a color (R, Y, G, or B)
or W for a wild card and N is a number from 0 to 9, an S for skip, R for
reverse, or D for draw. So a red 3 would be played as 'pl r3', a blue skip
would be played as 'pl bs', a wild would be played as 'pl w' and a wild
draw four would be played as 'pl wd'. If a wild card is played, the player
must declare a color by typing 'co C' where C is a color (R, Y, G, or B).
If a player can not play any cards, that player must draw by typing 'dr'
and then either play that card or pass to the next player by typing 'pa'.
Play continues until a player has played all of their cards. The bot then
declares a winner and awards points. A player can display the current top
card at any time by typing 'cd' and can view his own hand by typing 'ca'.
The game can be halted early by typing !stop. If only one player is around
to play UNO, the bot automatically joins to make a two-player game.
===== Rules =====
* No cheating, no cheating, no cheating!
===== Commands =====
!help Game help system
!help intro An introduction to UNO
!help howto How to play UNO on IRC
!commands List of UNO commands
!decks Description of UNO decks
!uno [deck] Begin a new game (deck: special deck name, see !decks)
!pause Pause or resume a game
!stop Stop a game already in progress
!remove [nick] Remove yourself or someone else
!won [nick] Display number of games won
!stats Display stats for this month
!records Display all-time statistics
!top3last Top 3 players last month
!top10 [thing] Show top 10 statistics (thing: points, games, 21)
jo Join a game (cc: color code, msg: use privmsg instead of notice)
cc Change your nick to the given color (cc: 2-15)
ap Assign any points you win to the given nick
go Start the game immediately (bypassing the 30sec wait)
pl Play the indicated card
pp Play multiple cards separated by spaces
co Pick a color after playing a wild card
dr Draw a card
pa Pass to the next player
cd Show the current top card
ca Sort and display your hand of cards
cs Display your hand using the short format
cl Display your hand using the long/full format
tu Show the current player
od Display the player order
ct Show how many cards everyone has
st Display game stats
ti Display the game time